Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Homework Week of 8/19/2014

Hello Parents & Students,

Homework this week is to read at least 20 minutes each day. Beginning next week the expectation is 120 weekly, weekends count towards this time!

Math homework for Wednesday (August 20) is pages 15-16 and Thursday the 21st, pages 21-22. I told the students to work no more than 15 minutes on it. The purpose for this is so frustration is minimal.  Pages 15 & 21 have the Homework Helper that explain the steps we discussed for solving the problems. Because you take the time to do the homework, I take the time to correct it and give feedback. All math homework is due Friday. On Thursdays I will send home an assignment checklist to attach the homework to.

A BIG THANK YOU for your donations!!!

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