Saturday, August 2, 2014

Welcome to the Strong and Fit T.E.A.M.!

Dear Student and Parents,

I hope you have enjoyed your summer. I am so excited to be teaching you this year! We are going to become super strong and fit as a T.E.A.M. Our class theme is STRONG AND FIT T.E.A.M. It means: Together Everyone Achieves More and becomes strong and fit. We are going to "strengthen" our math skills and understanding, give our reading "cardio" workouts, develop "flexibility" as writers, eat a "well-balanced" diet of language skills, and stay "hydrated" as we study science and Utah history! We will be doing these in order to complete the BeavtoKings by "cycling", "walking", "swimming" and "running" through the state of Utah. Now, there will be periodic party stations, I mean "water stations" along the way. See you August 18th for Back to School Night and/or bright and early at 8:00 AM on August 19th! 

Mrs. Arp

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