Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Homework and Announcements for Week of February 17-20

Dear Parents and Students,
I hope you had a nice day off Monday. As we begin the week, I have a few important announcements.


1. Sage writing test today and tomorrow afternoon.

2. This Friday, February 20, is the day to audition for the school story telling event. Each class in the 4th grade picks their best story teller and then he or she gets to compete with the other 4th grade and 1 winner will be chosen from the 6 classes. This winner gets to participate in the school wide story-telling assembly on Monday, March 2.

3. Due to the short week, we will be keeping the same spelling words. Everyone should get 100%!

4. Next Thursday, February 26, is Dads and Donuts for 4th grade after announcements around 9:30. We would love all the Dads and/or Moms to come. We have a class of great readers and we appreciate your support.


Reading - 120 minutes

Spelling - Same lists as last week, please see Homework February 9-13 blog for words.

Math - Tuesday through Thursday, we are still reviewing comparing fractions, finding equivalents, simplifying, and new this week is adding mixed numbers with like denominators and changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers.
Tuesday: My Math pages 521 - 522
Wednesday: My Math pages 541-542
Thursday: My Math pages 547-548

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