Monday, February 2, 2015

Homework Week of February 2-6

Thank you for all your support and hardwork for the Read-A-Thon. We did a great job reading over 20,000 minutes in three weeks. Rockstar Readers!

FYI: Many students are missing math homework pages or have scored too low and it is effecting their grades, therefore, I will be keeping students in from their 2nd recess to complete this work and get some extra help from me.  I do not keep students in during lunch recess. They need to get a break and run around.

Reading: 30 minutes daily, 120 due by Friday (weekends count)
Spelling: New list posted below. Remember

White List

Yellow List

Pink List

Blue List

Green List
Orange List

Math: We are continuing our fraction unit. Specifically comparing fractions as less than, great than, or equal to, and writing fractions on a number line correctly. It is imperative that they complete their homework so that they may practice these concepts.
Tuesday: My Math page 515-516
Wednesday: My Math page NONE, we reviewed equivalent fractions and simplifying today to solidify the concepts more.
Thursday: My Math pages 527-528 and simplify fractions page

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