Monday, May 18, 2015

Class Store on Tuesday, May 27 (FYI)

As a culminating activity for social studies, we will be having stores as an entire fourth grade.  This will be on Tuesday, May 27 after lunch.

The students will each have a homemade debit card that will allow them to spend their fake earned money at the stores.  Students who wish to bring something to sell may bring up to five new or gently used items.  Larger quantity items such as a box of donuts or a package of drinks may be sold as individual items. We ask that they do not bring any drinks containing caffeine.

Students are not required to sell anything.  They will be allowed to spend their earned money either way.

We have gone over this in class, so your child should know the details and what this all means.  Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any further question.  (

Thanks for your help!

Mrs. Arp

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