Friday, August 21, 2015

Daze Assessment Information

Dear Parents,
I like to inform you of the various teacher made tests that I use to inform instruction. I sent home the results of your child's initial reading comprehension assessment. This is one of two tests that provides a baseline for me of how well your child comprehends 4th grade text, according to these tests. It is a starting point. This was a new experience for your child and that factors into the score. According to this test achieving benchmark at this time is a score of 15.  A score below 10 alerts me to hone into what comprehension strategies I need to teach to best support your learner. I will collect more information for all students with the Developmental Reading Assessment to best serve your child's reading comprehension needs. Please feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or concerns.
Mrs. Arp
801-610-8722, ext 118

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