Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Homework Week of August 24-28

Dear Student and Parents,

Homework for reading and math begins this week. Remember to sign the planner on the parent signature line on Thursday if your child completed the work. Spelling homework begins next week.

READING:  Read 120 minutes minimum by Thursday, August 27. Sign this date in the planner.

Tuesday: Play Guess My Number on the game sheet brought home. Play until you fill both sides on the game sheet
Wednesday: My Math pages 15-16
Thursday: My Math pages 21-22

How to play Guess My Number: 
The object of the game is to guess the secret two-digit number and get 2 digits correct and 2 values correct. To play the game the first person secretly thinks of a two-digit number. This is the secret number the second player is trying to correctly guess. For each guess, the first person tells how many digits in the guess are correct and how many of the correct digits are in the correct place value.
The player guessing knows that it is a two-digit number and makes a guess. Write this number under the column "guess". If the guess has 1 digit correct then you write 1 under the "digits" column, if a value is also correct than you write a 1 under the "value" column. If the guess has 0 digits correct then write a 0 under the "digits" column next to the guess, and a 0 in the "value" column next to the guess. The second player keeps guessing numbers until he or she finds the secret number and gets a 2 under the "digits" column and a 2 under the "value" column.


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