Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Magic Begins!

General Sherman

Dear Student and Parents,
I am so excited to be your teacher!  I cant wait to hear about your summer and get to know you and your family.  This summer my family and I traveled to the Sequoia National Park in California and then on to Disneyland!  It was a blast! My favorite rides are The Tower of Terror and California Screamin.  You can read a little bit more about me on my blogspot:
One of your first jobs is to help create our class T.E.A.M.   You and your peers will decide the class motto and what T.E.A.M stands for!  All year long youll participate in fun learning activities for every subject from math to reading to writing to science to Utah history.  As you master concepts you will tour the great state of Utah and complete our class ride called the BeavtoKings!  We begin at the lowest point in elevation, Beaver Dam Wash, then ride, run, walk, and climb to the highest point, Kings Peak!  Periodically, there will be party stations, I mean, "water stations" along the way so that we stay hydrated. These include presentations, field trips, school assemblies, celebrating birthdays (beginning with mine which is August 8), and much more!
A few school supplies that you will want to bring on back to school night are a pencil box, dry erase markers, a box of tissues, a smile, and lots of dreams! I cant wait to meet you on August 18th for Back to School Night from 4:00-6:00 PM! Then the Magic begins bright and early at 8:00 or 9:15 AM on August 19th! 

Mrs. Arp J

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