Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Homework Week of September 14-18

Reading: Read 120 minutes

o   FYI: Vocabulary words (prefix "tri-") trisect, trilogy, triathlon, tripod, tricycle, trilateral, trio, triangle, triceratops, trilingual

Spelling: Complete 3 Tic Tac Toe Activities

Attention: You do not have to turn in your spelling so long as a parent signs the planner on Thursday verifying that you read and did the spelling practice :)

Spelling words *try, *dry, *sky, *spine, *lime, triangle, tricycle, trio, tripod, trilogy, triple, *three, admire, sign, divide

Math (Estimation for Sums & Addition Strategies) 

Tuesday: My Math pages 83-84
Wednesday: My Math pages 85-86
Thursday: My Math pages 91-92

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