Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Homework Week of March 14 - March 18

Dear Students and Parents,

Another week has passed and I can't believe how fast the end of the school year approaches. We are busy learning so much everyday!

Reading: 120 minutes

Spelling: Write a story using all of your spelling words.

Yellow list (focus on soft and hard sounds of c and g): cement, gentle, correct, gather, circle, common, gossip, gutter, golden, central, contest, college, giraffe, garage, century, custom, cereal, genius, cider, general, collect, gingerbread, gymnast, cyclist

Green list (focus on suffixes -ment, -less, -ness): payment, breathless, laziness, powerlessness, replacement, priceless, blindness, flawless, employment, punishment, dizziness, thoughtless, tactless, agreement, friendliness, politeness, fruitless, amusement, government, emptiness, saltiness, hopeless, fearlessness

Tuesday - pages 591 - 592
Wednesday - pages 571 - 572
Thursday - pages  583 - 584

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