Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Upcoming FIELD TRIP!!!

Dear Parents,
Your student should have brought home the following information and permission slip. Please send to school as soon as possible. Thank you!

Monday, March 28, 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We have been studying Utah's wonderful history. Now, our students are going to have the opportunity to experience firsthand what life was like. We are excited to announce our field trip, Friday, April 15th, to "This is the Place." We will be leaving at 9:15 a.m. to travel up to Salt Lake City, and we will be getting back to the school around 2:00 p.m.
Although we would love to have all parents join us on this extraordinary field trip, we have limited seating on the bus. We can only take 3 adults per class. If you would like to be a volunteer and accompany your child/children on this field trip, please fill out the information below.   
To help cover the cost of the field trip, we are asking for each student to donate $5.00. All volunteers will have to pay $3.00. Please have your child bring their donation to their teacher by Friday, April 1st. We also need to get a lunch count, so please fill out the information below, and have your child return it to their teacher by Friday, April 1st.  
Thank you for helping us make this an extraordinary field trip and experience for your children. We are excited and looking forward to this field trip. And, thank you for your assistance in making North Point such an extraordinary school.
Thank you,

Mrs. Arp Mr. Morris
Mrs. Flynn Mr. Bachler

Please cut off this section and return it to your child's teacher no later than Friday, April 1st, 2015
____ My child has my permission to go on this field trip.
____ My child will bring a home lunch for the field trip.
____ My child will purchase a school lunch for the field trip.
____ I would like to volunteer to attend the field trip, and I understand that the teacher has the final say on which three parents will be attending for their class. I understand that if I am selected, the teacher will contact me. I also understand, that if I am selected, I will need to pay the cost of $3.00 to North Point Elementary.

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