Monday, September 26, 2016

Homework 10/7 DUE 10/14

Homework 10/7 DUE 10/14

Dear Parents and Students,

We have an upcoming field trip on Wednesday, October 19, to the state capital. Thank you so much for your amazing support and willingness to help us! I have contacted the parents who will be attending the field trip. If you have not paid the donation, please do as soon as you can.


Please read over the parent letter, student guide, suggested bucket list of books, calendar (which is the Bucket List Log", The Bucket List and The Bucket List Menu (both found in the sheet protector), and the rubric found in your student's homework folder. 

Here's the challenge in a nutshell. There are two challenges: the minimum assignment and the EXTREME CHALLENGE. I want all the students to push themselves to complete the EXTREME CHALLENGE but know that is might not work in every family's life. No worries, but at least have your student complete the minimum assignment. 

The minimum assignment is to read the 10 must reads (see the bucket list in the sheet protector) and complete 2 book reports each quarter (see the menu with the bucket list in the sheet protector). Quarter 1 begins today October 10 and runs to December 4 (the two book reports must be turned in by Dec. 4 for quarter 1). Please see the white calendar pages for when each quarter is. Quarter 2 is Dec 4 to Jan 30; quarter 3 begins Jan 30 and runs to March 27, and quarter 4 is from March 27 to May 22.

The EXTREME CHALLENGE includes all 10 must reads, the 8 book reports, plus 30 more books to read with 10 of the 30 being student choice and the other 20 being any of the other bucket list genres/categories (see # 11-60 on bucket list). 
Still keep track of minutes but more time may be needed to accomplish the reading bucket list challenge.

Spelling: None this week.

Math: Chapter Test 3A (please do ASAP - real test Monday and Tuesday); pages 119-120; and perimeter of a house page. Challenge problem is a great extension, and those who do it get extra credit. 


  1. 3 pages are missing from the homework folder, the bucket list for the plastic sheet, rubic and menu.
    This is all so confusing.

  2. I also don't see a log, or where the must reads are.

  3. I also don't see a log, or where the must reads are.
