Thursday, September 15, 2016

Homework 9/16 to 9/23

Homework Assigned 9/16/16  DUE: 9/23/16


Read 120 minutes. Parents please initial your child's planner just on Friday 9/16 for reading homework grade credit. Finish reading Chapter 1 of Utah our Home if you have not finished it. Please see previous homework posts for how to login online.


Spelling starts this week. Your child will bring home a sheet of 24 words and the spelling homework page. See the link in case you need another copy. The homework page and activities need to be completed and turned in on the above due date. Spelling Tests will be given on the due date at school.


My Math pages 47-48 complete #1, #2, #3, & #5 using the 4 Square and a Diamond problem-solving graphic. Complete #4 and #6 on the math homework page.
My Math pages 65-55
My Math pages 71-72

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