Monday, December 5, 2016

Homework assigned 12/2/16 DUE 12/9/16

READING: Continue reading from your Reading Bucket List. Two completed book reports due by Monday, December 5. See previous blogs, homework folder, and Skyward emails for more information. Next 2 book reports are due towards the end of January.

SPELLING: Practice 2.5 words from last week. See the words listed below by group. We are in week 6 of our reading unit this week and will not have a new list until this Friday.  Be sure to take a pretest sometime this week at home so you know what words you need to keep practicing. Working towards Shaving Cream!
Green List: acrobat, graceful, spotless, gymnastic, spoonful, painless, fantastic, darkness, weakness, allergic, shapeless, darkest, carefully, ageless, clearest, wonderful, illness, thoughtful, beautifully, goodness, door, argue, brilliantly, straightest.
Blue List: sickly, graceful, spotless, hard, spoonful, painless, quickly, darkness, weakness, slowly, shapeless, darkest, carefully, ageless, clearest, wonderful, illness, thoughtful, beautiful, goodness, door, argue, brilliantly, straightest. 
Gold List: sickly, graceful, spotless, hardly, spoonful, quickly, painless, darkness, weakness, slowly, shapeless, darkest, carefully, ageless, clearest, wonderful, illness, goodness, thankful, oldest, door, argue, brilliantly, straightest. 

MATH: My Math pages 283-284; p. 289-290; and p. 291-292. You've Got this!

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