Sunday, February 26, 2017

HW Assigned Feb 24 DUE March 3

HW Assigned February 24 

DUE March 3

Upcoming Events: March 1 and 2 is parent teacher conferences. Please sign up for a time in Skyward. I hope to meet with all of you.
Reading: Keep working on your Bucket List. Remember that you have two - three book reports due March 24. We will share them in class that day.
Spelling Lists 4.3 (Due March 3): Our pattern is long u sound. How might you sort them? By the spelling of the long u sound.  Sort your words.  Use your best spelling practice to learn and retain the pattern. Don't forget to take a practice test on Wednesday or Thursday and practice those tricky words. Here's a link to your words.
Math: Finish all in class practice pages including Number of the day, Compare fractions, Simplify fractions, Make your Move, Fractions in a Container, and Factors and Multiples.

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