Thursday, January 1, 2015

Book Report for Term 2

We have only been able to complete one book report each term. On Friday, December 19th I sent home a blue paper with the following information about the term 2 book report. Here that information in case you need it.

Book Jacket Book Report

This next month (January 2015) you will be making a book jacket (cover) using important information from the book you read.  The book you read must be on your reading level and at least 120 pages long.

When you are done reading your book, get a piece of special paper from your teacher for your book cover.  The front of the book cover will include the title, author, illustrator, and a student-drawn picture.  The back will include an original (not copied) persuasive summary about the book.  You are trying to sell this book through your summary, giving the reader three good reasons in a five paragraph essay why they should buy and read this book! This book report is due on January 30th

Have fun reading!!!
Grading Rubric

·       Name of book is approved by your teacher            5 pts.
·       Front Cover includes: Title, Author, & student
drawn picture                                                               5 pts. Each
·          Back Cover includes: Persuasive summary-
with 3 good reasons                                              20 pts.
·          Quality Work                                                          5 pts.
·          Turned in on time                                                   5 pts.
·          TOTAL                                                   50 pts.

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