Thursday, January 1, 2015

Homework Jan 5-9, 2015!

Welcome Back to a new year!

READING Read 120 minutes minimum

SPELLING I am sending a spelling tic-tac-toe 2 for some new spelling practice fun. You will want to use this website:
Blue List
Yellow List

Green List
White List
Pink List

Orange List

MATH Reminder and Homework
There is a division chapter test on Friday, Jan 9. I am going to have the students take it online using their My Math ID and passwords. I will teach them how to use these beginning 1/5/2015.

Tuesday: My Math pages 391-392, Quotients with Zeros

Wednesday: My Math pages 383-384, Divide Greater Numbers

Thursday: My Math pages 397-398, Solve Multi-Step Problems My Math pages 389-390, Independent Practice, Quotients with Zeros

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