Thursday, January 1, 2015

Salt Dough Map due Jan 9

Dear Parents,

            For the culminating activity of our Utah maps unit, your child will make a salt-dough map (recipe below) to represent the following: the three regions of Utah, the Great Salt Lake, Utah Lake, Lake Powell, and Bear Lake. The three regions are: Rocky Mountains, Colorado Plateau, and The Great Basin (valleys). 

Your child has an example of the map, but here is a screen shot. 

Add the lakes!

This project is due on Friday, January 9, 2015. It does take a couple days to dry, so please consider that when planning time for this project. The students are free to be as creative as they like when decorating their map. 

-Corrugated cardboard
2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
3/4 cup water
-watercolors or poster paint (I have a few colors, please let me know if you need some)

HOW TO MAKE: Cut a piece of corrugated cardboard about 8 x 10 inches. Trim it to fit the shape of Utah. Form the basin, mountains, and plateaus out of salt dough. Set aside to dry for a few days. After the map is dry, paint it with watercolors or poster paint. Make sure that I can distinguish the three regions.

SALT DOUGH: Mix 2 cups flour, 1/2 cup salt, and 3/4  cup water together to make a dough. Knead it 3 to 4 minutes. To make it more sticky add a little make it less sticky add a little more flour.

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