Thursday, April 16, 2015

Homework April 13-17



Dear Parent and Students,
I hope that all of you had a wonderful spring break and enjoyed the rest. I did so much it has taken me a few extra days to update our blog. Actually, my personal life has been unusually busy.

Announcements: End of year language arts assessment (SAGE) will be Tuesday, April 28 and Wednesday, April 29 during the first part of our day. Our science assessment will be on Tuesday, May 5 and Wednesday, May 6, and the math assessment on Tuesday, May 12 and Wednesday, May 13.

 Reading: 120 minutes this week.

Spelling: Due to feedback, I will be posting the spelling words again on the blog. will still be available and I am going to try the premium membership for the rest of the lists. There are additional vocabulary building and concept building activities not included in our basic edition. I will let you know if there you need additional information.

Math: We have begun our Data & Geometry Unit. We are first learning about perimeter and area. We will be learning about line plots and graphs as well as geometric terms, shapes, and angles next week.
Tuesday: Perimeter page (copied on goldenrod color)
Wednesday: My Math pages 829-830
Thursday: My Math pages 843-844


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