Sunday, August 16, 2015

Disclosure Document 2015-16 (I will have a copy for you at Back to School Night)

Mrs. Arp’s
4th Grade 
Disclosure Document

Dear Family,

I am excited to start a new year with your child. There are so many learning opportunities and experiences that await us. I love being a teacher because I love helping each student construct understanding and knowledge. That is why one of my goals is to build a strong relationship with each child and you. As we work together we will ensure your child’s success. To have a great year, I am committed to providing a positive learning environment with high expectations, consistent structure, friendship building, and engaging instruction.

HIGH EXPECTATIONS:  I expect students to behave in a way that will not be a problem for anyone in our school and class. 

1.     Speak positive words to and about self and others.
2.     Protect & value self, others, & property.
3.     Wait your turn.
4.     Absolutely No Bullying!

1.     Active listening and learning with hands, eyes, and mind.
2.     Complete & turn in all class work & homework.
3.     Be a team player!

I know you support your child’s academic pursuits as best as you can. Some things you can do at home for a successful year are:
1.     Read with your child.
2.     Study multiplication & division facts.
3.     Check your child’s planner every night for homework.
4.     Refer to my blog (Here you will find weekly homework information, announcements, upcoming events, and helpful links. Warning: It is a work in progress!)

READING: Students will be part of a balanced literacy program including shared reading, fluency, guided reading, word work, and comprehension strategies and skills. Most importantly, to become fluent and strong readers each student chooses his or her own books to read as well as those assigned. Your child receives a grade for Reading Workshop assignments and participation in class and reading homework. 

1. Daily Home Reading: To become fluent and strong readers students are required to read 20 minutes a day at home or 120 minutes weekly. Each child is required to record the number of minutes read from the prior weekend and week as well as get parent(s) signature in the planner once a week on Thursday.

2. Trimester Book Reports: Your child will have the opportunity to be creative and complete 3 book reports this year, one per trimester. The book will need to be at least 100 pages. I will pass out directions for each specific book report at the beginning of September, December, and mid March as well as post on them on the blog.  Please help by making sure your child completes the book reports. He or she will receive grades.

 3. Spelling & Vocabulary:  Words Their Way, Prefixes & Suffixes, Greek & Latin Roots are our programs for word study, vocabulary, phonics and spelling.  I use a Qualitative Spelling Inventory to determine where your child is developmentally in spelling words.  I help your child to decode multisyllabic words and to understand the meaning of grade level words in context. HOMEWORK is three completed assignments from the Spelling Tic-Tac-Toe that parent needs to sign off in the planner every Thursday night due Friday morning. Your child will receive grades for assigned wordlist homework, class assignments, and tests.

WRITING & GRAMMAR:  Writing is taught and practiced daily.  I use two programs called Step Up to Writing and Frame Your Thoughts. Students will learn and implement the steps of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.  They will also have mini lessons that will include the six traits of writing (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, conventions, & sentence fluency) and grammar. Your child will receive grades based upon class assignments and rubrics for each published piece. Rubrics will be given to each student, modeled and practice together before he or she publishes independently for a grade. 

GRADED WRITING HOMEWORK:  Monthly, expect to see your child’s writing come home. What I ask is that together you edit it. I will also be providing input in the editing process before this final edit just before publishing, but I solicit your help with this process prior to final printing.

MATH:  I teach math using My Math and other supportive exploratory tasks. Your child will have the opportunity to complete class assignments and participate in discussion and group work.  I want every child to pass off times & division tables through 12’s. Benchmark and master test will be given weekly and at the end of each unit. 

GRADED MATH HOMEWORK: Your child is required to study multiplication now and later division facts, and complete 3 days of homework per week. Your child will be graded for 3 days of math homework, class assignments, quizzes and tests.

SOCIAL STUDIES:  We will be studying Utah history to present day. We will use the text Utah Our Home. Your child receives grades from class assignments & participation. Please let me know of your skills and knowledge that you wish to share.

HEALTH: We will have one unit about health. Your child will receive a participation grade. 

SCIENCEWe study the Utah State Core Curriculum for science. The topics include environments, classification, rocks & minerals, soil, weather, water cycle, and fossils. Your child’s grade is from class assignments & participation. Please let me know of your skills and knowledge that you wish to share.

ATTENDANCE: Students make the most progress when they attend school regularly. Please send your child to school, unless he or she is ill.

SAGE TESTING: Students take assessments for language arts, science, and math each year in the spring.

SKYWARD: You may access your child’s grades and test scores through Skyward.  I hope to be prompt in entering grades. I encourage you to view your child’s progress. 

BIRTHDAYS: Each child’s birthday will be recognized in class. We are a tree nut free classroom. Your child is welcome to bring a birthday treat; however, this is not required. July and August birthdays will be celebrated in August, and June birthdays in May. School policy does not allow edible homemade treats. It generally works best if the student brings the treat to school with them in the morning.

BOOK ORDERS: Book orders will be sent home periodically so you may buy quality-reading material at a reasonable price.  Book orders are optional.  Pay online to the company or write a check. Make checks payable to the book company you’re ordering from.

DONATIONS: You are NOT required to donate any supplies or money. IF you are able to contribute to class fund and field trips it is greatly appreciated.

Communication between the home and school is essential.  Please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email with any questions or concerns. Thanks for all you do as parents! A magical new journey is about to begin!

Melanie Arp
Work: (801) 610-8722, ext 118

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