Monday, November 30, 2015

Homework Week of November 30 to December 4, 2015

Dear Parents and Students, 

Dear Students and Parents,

Here is a breakdown of this week's homework and our class concepts:

Concepts for the Week: 

READING: We will dive into inferences beginning this week.  We continue to practice point of view: first-person or third-person, identify the themes, and support our ideas with specific information in the text.

WRITING:  We are moving to drafting our cave persuasive articles. We consider pros and cons, the other side's point of view, and structure/organization for how to write an opinion paragraph/essay.  Opinion writing will be our focus until Dec 11th.

SPELLING: We are studying more vocabulary words, this time focusing on the root "ject" meaning thrown.

MATH: We continue the Utah core standard that states 4th grade students will multiply a single digit factor by a multi-digit number/factor up to 4 digits and will dive into two by two digit numbers. We will learn a few strategies to do this including the standard algorithm, open array, partial products, and the distributive property.

Homework for the Week (due by Friday this week):

Reading: 120 minutes

Spelling: 3 Spelling Tic Tac Toe activities, test Friday
Spelling Wordseach, hurl, launch, project, discard, dejected, eject, injection, interjection, jettison, projectile, projector, reject, subject, trajectory

Math: My Math Pages 239-240, 245-246, 265-266

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