Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Homework Week of Dec 7 to Dec 11

Dear Students and Parents,

Here is a breakdown of this week's homework and our class concepts:

Concepts for the Week: 

READING: We continue to practice point of view: first-person or third-person, identify the themes, and support our ideas with specific information in the text.

WRITING:  We continue to draft our cave persuasive articles. We consider pros and cons, the other side's point of view, and structure/organization for how to write an opinion paragraph/essay.  Opinion writing will be our focus until Dec 11th.

SPELLING: We are studying more vocabulary words, this time focusing on the prefix "mis," meaning bad or wrong - just to help them stay on Santa's Nice List.

MATH: We continue our strategizing of two by two digit numbers. We have learned strategies including the lattice, open array, bow tie/partial products, and the distributive property. I want each child to choose two of these four strategies as his or her "own" strategies to solve two by two multiplication. The Utah Core does not require that students learn the standard algorithm by 4th grade, but in 5th grade that is the expectation. I will teach them it in May though to help prepare them for 5th grade.

Please view the following link of the bow tie/partial products strategy - why is multiplication taught differently now?

Homework for the Week (due by Friday this week):

Reading: 120 minutes

Spelling: 3 Spelling Tic Tac Toe activities, test Friday
Spelling Wordsother, another, who, watch, because, misjudge, mislead, misspell, mistake, mistreat, misunderstand, misbehave, mischievous, miserable, misfortune

Math: My Math Pages 251-252; 253-254; 267-270

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