Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Happy New Year! Homework Week of January 4 to January 8, 2016

Dear Students and Parents,

Here is a breakdown of this week's homework and our class concepts:

Concepts for the Week: 

READING: I will introduce fact vs. opinion, and first-hand, second-hand accounts in nonfiction texts. The students will read a variety of texts and use information from the texts to support their claim of fact, opinion, first-hand, second-hand.

WRITING:  We will be writing about our Christmas breaks. The students will need to come up with three events or ideas about their vacation with strong and clear supporting details, then write and publish 5 paragraphs.

SPELLING: Our study of vocabulary continues with the Greek root rupt, meaning break.

MATH: We will review multiplication strategizing of two by two digit numbers, and introduce division. We will be solving fair share and compare type-division problems. The students will learn strategies to divide using number sense and place value. The goal this week is to divide a two-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor with a quotient that includes remainders. The students will also begin to learn what the remainder means.

Homework for the Week (due by Friday January 8, 2016):

Reading: 120 minutes

Spelling: 3 Spelling Tic Tac Toe activities, test Friday
Spelling Wordserupt, disrupt, erupted, erupts, erupting, disrupting, disrupted, abrupt, corrupt, corrupted, corrupting, disrupts, interrupted, interrupts, interrupting

Math: My Math Pages 289-290 (they need to estimate and solve), 315-316, division p. 48

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