Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework Week of January 11 to January 15

Dear Students and Parents,

Here is a breakdown of this week's homework and our class concepts:

Concepts for the Week: 

READING:  The students are practicing fact vs. opinion, and we continue our reading, discussion, and learning of first-hand, second-hand accounts in nonfiction texts.

WRITING:  We are completing our writing about our Christmas break and the students will then choose between writing a mystery and research paper. In February, everyone will be writing a research paper about an animal of their choice as well as an opinion paper. In March, everyone will be writing a research paper about a county in Utah.

SPELLING: Our study of vocabulary continues with the Greek root miss, mis, meaning send.

MATH: We will review multiplication strategizing of two by two digit numbers, and introduce division. We will be solving fair share and compare type-division problems. The students will learn strategies to divide using number sense and place value. The goal this week is to divide a two-digit dividend by a one-digit divisor with a quotient that includes remainders. The students will also begin to learn what the remainder means.

Homework for the Week (due by Friday January 15, 2016):

Reading: 120 minutes; BOOK REPORT due FEB. 26, but it would be a good idea to finish reading those books-either an historical fiction or fantasy.

Spelling: 3 Spelling Tic Tac Toe activities, test Friday
Spelling Words: Focus on root miss, mit
admit, dismiss, emit, omit, remit, mission, intermission, missile, submit, transmit, admitting, omitting, submitting, transmitting, dismissed

Math: My Math Pages 317-319, 333-334. The students should have brought home vocabulary cards  if needed to help with assignment. 

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