Monday, February 22, 2016

Homework Week of 2/22 to 2/26

Dear Students and Parents,

Grades for second term are due this FRIDAY!

Math Homework: FRACTIONS! Tuesday is My Math pages 503-504; Wednesday is My Math pages 509-510; Thursday is My Math pages 515-516.
***We have learned to draw pictures by dividing fractional parts to find equivalent fractions, we have learned to cross multiply to find equivalent fractions, and will be learning how to multiply the numerator and denominator by a 1 (as a fraction such as 2/2 or 3/3, etc) to find equivalent fractions. We are also working on simplifying fractions all in preparation to compare and order fractions with different denominators.

Spelling Homework:  All students have the same list this week. We are focusing on the spelling suffix patterns: sure, ure, cher, and oddball. The words :

Vocabulary Homework: We are studying the suffixes: ence, ance meaning the state or quality of.
The words are: tolerance, defiance, perseverance, elegance, annoyance, disturbance, patience, convenience, diligence, dominance, radiance.

Reading Homework: 120 minutes and BOOK REPORT due FRIDAY for Term 2. About 1/2 of the students have turned them in! Here is the information that I sent home with the students in December.
Book Jacket Book Report

When you are done reading your book, get a piece of special paper from your teacher for your book cover.  The front of the book cover will include the title, author, illustrator, and a student-drawn picture.  The back will include an original (not copied) persuasive summary about the book.  You are trying to sell this book through your summary, giving the reader three good reasons in a five paragraph essay why they should buy and read this book! This book report is due on February 26th!

Have fun reading!!!
Grading Rubric

·       Name of book is approved by your teacher            5 pts.
·       Front Cover includes: Title, Author, & student
drawn picture                                                               5 pts. Each
·          Back Cover includes: Persuasive summary-
with 3 good reasons                                              20 pts.
·          Quality Work                                                          5 pts.
·          Turned in on time                                                   5 pts.
·          TOTAL                                                   50 pts.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Homework Week of 2/8/16 due 2/12/16

Dear Parents and Students,

Reading: 120 minutes

Vocabulary: The students will be tested on Friday for the meaning of the words and not the spelling of them.

Prefix: sub-

Spelling: We will have three spelling groups (blue, yellow, and green). Your student will bring home a copy of the words printed on either blue, yellow, or green paper. Please have your students continue the tic-tac-toe practice utilizing the practice that helps them the most. Feel free to change it up and give me the feedback.

The yellow & green list students words are: other, spider, cover, silver, weather, mother, father, under, rather, flower, color, collar, doctor, sugar, dollar, favor, solar, flavor, mirror, rumor, motor, tractor, grammar, harbor

Tuesday: pages 309-310
Wednesday: pages 397-398
Thursday: pages 429-430

This week we continue multi-operational problems and order of operations. We will also begin fractions. Later in the week we will learn about unit fractions, how many unit fractions are in a whole, parts of whole and segments/fractions on the number line. I want to make sure the students see the fractions as a value related to a whole. Our fractions unit will take about 4 weeks. It is heavy-duty.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework Week of 2/1/2016

Dear Parents and Students,
My apologies for not updating the blog last week. Here is the homework for this week though!

Reading: 120 minutes

Vocabulary: Beginning this week vocabulary words will be different from spelling words. Because I still want the students to really learn the meaning of the words, I will include a screenshot of the words and definitions here. The students will be tested on Friday for the meaning of the words and not the spelling of them.

Greek/Latin Root: spec

Spelling: We will have two spelling groups (yellow and green). Your student will bring home a copy of the words printed on either yellow or green. Please have your students continue the tic-tac-toe practice utilizing the practice that helps them the most. Feel free to change it up and give me the feedback.

The yellow list students words are: little, middle, settle, bottle, apple, paddle, giggle, battle, title, able, cable, table, cradle, bridle, bugle, rifle, simple, tremble, single, muscle, jungle, handle, candle, sample

The green list students words are: cattle, saddle, angle, couple, model, level, angel, novel, cancel, travel, vowel, final, total, metal, special, signal, journal, local, until, April, fossil, evil, pencil, fragile

One page front and back as promised: pages 399-400, multiplication and division review. This week we will learn about patterns, sequences, input/output functions, and multi-operational problems.