Thursday, January 26, 2017

Homework Assigned January 27 DUE February 3

READ-A-THON (Sponsored by the PTA): We are working to participate in the school-wide ice cream party by reading 210 minutes a week for two weeks - January 23 to February 6.

Keep reading from your Reading Bucket List. Remember we are in our 3rd Quarter so your two - three book reports are due on March 24. If you have not completed at least 4 book reports by now your grade will be greatly affected.  Get them completed and turned in ASAP :)

Spelling 3.5: Our pattern is compound words. How might you sort them? By the first syllable - if it is a closed syllable with a short vowel, an open syllable with a long vowel, or a bossy r. You decide. Sort your words by a pattern YOU CHOOSE.  Use your best spelling practice to learn and retain the pattern. Don't forget to take a practice test on Wednesday or Thursday and practice those tricky words. Here's a link to your words.

Math Homework: My Math pages 436; My Math p. 443-444; & My Math p. 449-450.

Science: We have a science test on Wednesday, February 1. Study from the study guide!

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