Wednesday, February 8, 2017


GRADES WILL BE POSTED Friday, February 17th  and that means GET IN ANY MISSING WORK by WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15! Check Skyward

READ-A-THON: Congrats to those who turned in reading minutes - you have won an ice cream reward! Thank you for participating. 

Keep reading from your Reading Bucket List. Remember we are in our 3rd Quarter so your two - three book reports are due on March 24. If you have not completed at least 4 book reports by now your grade will be greatly affected.  Get them completed and turned in ASAP :)

Spelling 4.1: Our pattern is adding -ed and -ing to change a base word. How might you sort them? For example -ed making the /t/ sound, -ed making the /ed/ sound,  -ed making the /d/ sound,  -ing changing the base word, or -ing just add. You decide. Sort your words by a pattern YOU CHOOSE. Use your best spelling practice to learn and retain the pattern. Don't forget to take a practice test on Wednesday or Thursday and practice those tricky words. Here's a link to your words.

Math Homework: My Math pages 471-474; My Math p. 399-400

Science: Each student needs to bring by February 15, a wide plastic container about 3-6 inches in diameter and at least 3-6 inches tall such as a 32 ounce yogurt or sour cream container, or powder drink mix container. If you have extras that you can donate please send them with your child. We need them for our weather unit. Students will be tracking weather at home with homemade instruments. 

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